the temple school


Ur Child Care, Starts Here

the temple school


Ur Child Care, Starts Here

the temple school


Ur Child Care, Starts Here



DO’s AND dont’S

1. Please give the prescribed dose of fever medicine( paracetamol) as advised for the fever (once in 4-6 hrs if the Temperature is more than 100°f)

2. Please cover the child with thin blanket only. use thick blanket (or) sweater if the child Complaints of shivering.

3. If the Temperature is more than 101°f then do body sponging with lukewarm water from head to foot to decrease body temperature. Wet the small handkerchief/ towel in lukewarm water and keep it over forehead and armpit also.

4. If there is shivering, stop sponging

5. Give plenty of oral liquid diet – continue mother feeding, plain water, fresh veg soup, veg juice, milk porridge, for good hydration.

6. For babies less than 6 months of age give only MOTHER FEEDING.

7. Wear light cotton dresses only

8. When to meet the doctor for the child with fever

a. Fever for more than 2-3 days

b. Fever with vomiting , loose motion, fits.

c. Child is irritable, has headache

d. Any unexplained complaints